As you begin your hunt for high traffic ESD flooring options, you have probably considered how much a flooring solution will affect your budget. ESD flooring is an investment, there is no doubt about it, but one of the many problems business owners face is the preparation to their flooring surfaces they do not incorporate into their costs.
With many ESD flooring options, there are definite setbacks when it comes to timing and unforeseen issues that exist under the old flooring. After tearing up the tile or other surfaces, which can often damage the subfloor, many project managers find old adhesive, un-level subfloors and deal with dust and moisture issues that can hinder installation.
There are ways around these problems, such as skim-coating or shot-blasting, but they add to the budget and renovation timeline. SelecTech also knows that if you’re searching for high traffic conductive flooring options, stopping production for a significant amount of time is out of the question. You need to get your remodeling done as fast as possible because your business relies on this space for many of your employees to complete their day-to-day tasks.
So, what do you need to do to prepare your flooring surface for StaticStop interlocking products? Nothing.
Freestyle ESD™ flooring is the first and only interlocking flooring that is conductive, connected, and grounded. Forget about adhesives, cooper foil, padding, underlayments, or even ripping up your old flooring materials. We have the only products available that have no disclaimers for high-moisture, irregular, and problem subfloors.
If you’re looking for a quality, fast solution for all your ESD flooring needs, SelecTech is the company with the products for you. Our StaticStop™ products have allowed our customers to get back to work faster and on budget, which is more than anyone can ask for when it comes to ESD flooring. With more questions, please call us today at (877) 738-4537.