ESD Floor: How Can Carpet Dissipate Static?

esd floor carpet

Static electricity might seem harmless, but in environments where sensitive electronic components are at play, it can spell disaster. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electronics and pose safety hazards. This is where ESD carpets come into play – they control and dissipate static electricity, making them crucial to many industries. If an anti-static floor made of carpet sounds counterintuitive, don’t worry! The team at SelecTech is here to explain how it works.


Let’s take a look at how a carpet ESD floor works.


Conductive Materials

One of the first things to note is that ESD carpets are not made from the same materials as standard carpets. ESD carpets are crafted from materials with high electrical conductivity. This property allows them to conduct static electricity efficiently.



The magic of ESD carpets lies in proper grounding. These carpets connect to a grounding system, typically a conductive layer beneath the carpet or a separate grounding wire. This connection ensures that any static charges that accumulate on the carpet are harmlessly dissipated.


Static Dissipation

As people walk on an ESD carpet or move objects across it, friction can generate static charges. However, because the carpet is conductive and grounded, these charges are quickly channeled away into the grounding system, preventing them from reaching harmful levels.


Controlled Resistance

ESD carpets have a specific level of resistance, usually measured in ohms per square. This resistance is carefully calibrated to strike a balance between safe charge dissipation and avoiding rapid discharge that could damage electronics. The typical resistance range is around 1,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 ohms per square.


Safety and Protection

Beyond safeguarding electronics, ESD carpets reduce the risk of static-related accidents. In some settings, static sparks can ignite flammable materials. ESD carpets help mitigate this risk, ensuring a safer work environment.


ESD Carpet: Antistatic Floor Solutions from StaticStop by SelecTech

In industries where static electricity poses a threat, ESD carpets are unsung heroes. By combining conductive materials, grounding, and controlled resistance, these carpets effectively manage static electricity. They play a vital role in protecting sensitive electronics, ensuring product quality, and enhancing safety in the workplace. With ESD carpet, floor tiles, and other antistatic flooring solutions, StaticStop by SelecTech can help protect your facility and employees.


Contact the StaticStop team to learn more about our products and their applications.