Category Archives: Antistatic flooring
The Ultimate Factory ESD Floor Has Arrived: PolyStyle
When considering a new factory ESD floor, consider the most innovative and functional product on the market – PolyStyle by SelecTech.
The Ultimate Static Dissipative Flooring Has Arrived
SelecTech is excited to introduce the newest product line to the already impressive line of antistatic flooring solutions, PolyStyle ESD™.
Also posted in Anti static flooring, dissapative flooring, ESD flooring
Tagged anti static expoxy, antistatic expoxy, conductive flooring, esd flooring, esd floors, esd tile, factory esd floor, industrial static control floor, server room flooring, static control floor mat, static control flooring, static dissipative flooring
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ESD Floor Products: The Perfect Solution For Robotics
ESD floor products are the wave of the future in robitics, distribution, and warehouses – and SelecTech has the innovative solution you seek.
Also posted in Anti static flooring, ESD commercial flooring, ESD flooring, ESD Mat kit, Green MAS Certified flooring, Interlocking ESD flooring, MAS Green Certified flooring
Tagged distribution flooring, eds flooring, eds floors, esd carpet, esd carpet tile, esd floor products, esd tile, esd tile flooring, flooring for robotics, industrial static control floor, SelecTech, Static Stop, warehouse flooring
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Why Do We Offer a Cradle to Cradle Reuse Program?
Since StaticStop’s conception in 1993, our goal has always been to create innovative products that minimize waste. Our SelecTile ESD floors were not only made with a unique interlocking design that allows for easy removal and re-installation of nearly any kind of subfloor without underlayments or barriers, but they also are eligible for our Cradle […]
Static Season Is Upon Us!
Those working in the electronics manufacturing field, in data centers, or any other ESD-sensitive area knows how important it is to have the proper ESD floor carpet and the impact static has on their projects- especially during the winter season. StaticStop knows that many of our customers are well-versed in ESD science, but there are […]
Also posted in ESD commercial flooring, ESD flooring, Interlocking ESD flooring
Tagged esd carpet tile, esd floor carpet, esd flooring
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It’s National Static Electricity Day!
StaticStop couldn’t be leaders in the ESD floor product industry without recognizing the national day that celebrates what makes our flooring so great. January 9 is National Static Electricity Day, and with the dry season in full swing, we couldn’t think of a better reason to celebrate! Out interlocking tile system helps prevent the chance […]
How Moisture Impacts ESD Flooring
No matter if you are working in a residential or commercial space, it is common for these structures’ bottom floors to be constructed with poured concrete. Though concrete is known to be extremely durable, it is also porous and conducts the temperature and moisture of the ground on which it is sitting. This can cause […]
Why New OSHA Ruling Doesn’t Impact StaticStop
In the efforts to protect employees from kidney disease, lung cancer, silicosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to limit their contact to this type of dust. By reducing their permissible exposure limit to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air […]
Industries that Benefit from ESD Flooring
Renovations in any work environment can be hectic, and sometimes difficult when you must meet specific standards. If you’ve been assigned the task to research flooring options for your business, StaticStop is a great place to start. We offer a variety of ESD flooring options for our customers, and have helped in a number of […]
Myths About Vinyl Flooring
If there is one thing we know at StaticStop™, it’s how to be on the cusp of innovative static control floor mats, interlocking systems, and glue down CVT. There are bad rumors we hear time and time again regarding the stigma around vinyl tile. Not only is vinyl an affordable choice for many homeowners, it […]
Also posted in ESD flooring, Uncategorized, vinyl esd flooring
Tagged durable vinyl flooring, esd flooring, vinyl esd flooring
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