Category Archives: Uncategorized
ESD Flooring Best Practices: A Podcast with Tom
Have you seen the latest podcast with Tom? If not, check it out! We’re talking glue down flooring and ESD properties …
Tagged anti static epoxy, anti static floor tiles, antistatic epoxy, antistatic flooring, electronics flooring, electronics podcase, esd flooring, esd rated flooring, esd tile, factory esd floor, glue down esd flooring, interlocking anti static floors, interlocking flooring, lab flooring, SelecTech, Static Stop
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Considering Lab or Clean Room Flooring? Ask These Questions
Picking a new floor is a big deal! Here are a few considerables to ensure your decision is the best one!
What is ESD Flooring & How Does It Work?
The Main Purpose of ESD Flooring With each step you take, you generate static electricity at an atomic level, which can quickly transfer to other objects upon contact, a phenomenon known as Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). We’ve all experienced a “static shock” at some point, usually just a minor annoyance. However, for small components and electronics […]
No Downtime with Conductive Floor Tiles
Time is money. A phrase we’ve all heard and know well, especially if we are in charge of an industrial environment. Finding ways to keep production on task and flowing is one of the key responsibilities of managing this type of atmosphere. However, life throws us curveballs when we least expect it. For instance, consider […]
How StaticStop Can Save Your Factory Money
When it comes to factory production, the key to success is staying productive. At StaticStop, the team of experts has created a solution to help your company do just that. With their innovative recycling technologies and environmentally friendly factory ESD flooring solutions, you can be certain your company stays at the optimum level of efficiency. […]
Static controlled. Cobham Integrated Electronic Solutions goes FreeStyle with installation of ESD flooring
SelecTech, Inc., a leader in the manufacture of innovative flooring products with long-term value and immediate benefits, recently announced the completion of the installation of its FreeStyle ESD flooring at Cobham Integrated Electronic Solutions facility at 305 Richardson Road in Lansdale. The project was initiated and installed by SelecTech distributor Spartan Surfaces. “The trend in […]
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Are You Ready for the New LEED v4 Standard?
At StaticStop, we work to keep our customers informed of the latest news of conductive floor tile and our green certifications. In the past, we’ve discussed our contributions to LEED points for your building projects and what LEED points mean for you. Though it is simply explained that these Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design […]
What Does an Interlocking Floor Mean?
StaticStop™ is extremely proud of the number of ESD flooring options we offer our customers because they can fit the needs of any company or business looking for a flooring solution. We have glue down flooring, epoxy flooring, carpet, adhesive and cleaning products to keep up with your business needs, but some of the biggest […]
Considerations for Your New Warehouse Flooring
When choosing a new warehouse flooring option, buying the first floor you find online for an inexpensive cost might be more expensive in the long run. Though you believe you have found the best deal, your flooring selection might not necessarily be acceptable for your workspace conditions. Finding a floor that fits your budget and […]
Is Your Industrial Flooring Surface Ready for StaticStop?
As you begin your hunt for high traffic ESD flooring options, you have probably considered how much a flooring solution will affect your budget. ESD flooring is an investment, there is no doubt about it, but one of the many problems business owners face is the preparation to their flooring surfaces they do not incorporate […]