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Antistatic Flooring: How to Become Certified Green

At SelecTech, we’re proud of the fact that we do everything we can to reduce the impact our antistatic flooring and other products have on the environment.

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Key Characteristics of Server Room Flooring

As with many spaces that house specialized equipment, server rooms need flooring with particular characteristics to protect the equipment and ensure it performs properly.

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Antistatic Floors for EV Charging Stations

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as the world moves towards sustainable energy sources. However, the charging of these vehicles can pose certain risks, especially in environments where electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a concern.

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Antistatic Flooring and the EV Industry

Few industries are growing as quickly and generating as much excitement as the electric vehicle industry. EVs are an important step towards making low-emission transportation commonplace. At SelecTech, we’re proud to be a part of this exciting industry.

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Access Floors: Form Meets Function

Access floors need to be more than just functional. With the color choices from SelecTech, they can create an attractive work environment.

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ESD Floor Products Are Now in New Colors!

Until now, we had to sacrifice aesthetics in favor of functionality for our SelecTile ESD™ Interlock Flooring. But not anymore. StaticStop and SelecTech are happy to announce that SelecTile is now available in six colors!

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ESD vs. Antistatic Flooring: What’s the Difference?

Are ESD and antistatic flooring the same? These are the key differences between these two types of static-control flooring.

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Chemical Resistance Standards and Conductive Flooring Materials

Chemical resistance and strict testing methods are two elements that every laboratory deserve. Learn more in this article!

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