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Category Archives: ESD commercial flooring

StaticStop Will Be at The Space Tech Expo!

As a business that creates ESD flooring, we’re thrilled to announce we will be exhibiting our products at the 6th Space Tech Expo in Pasadena May 23-25, 2017! Having the opportunity to teach and learn more about space technology and engineering through the 230+ exhibiting businesses and the 1,700+ participating companies who will be alongside […]

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Static Season Is Upon Us!

Those working in the electronics manufacturing field, in data centers, or any other ESD-sensitive area knows how important it is to have the proper ESD floor carpet and the impact static has on their projects- especially during the winter season. StaticStop knows that many of our customers are well-versed in ESD science, but there are […]

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It’s National Static Electricity Day!

StaticStop couldn’t be leaders in the ESD floor product industry without recognizing the national day that celebrates what makes our flooring so great. January 9 is National Static Electricity Day, and with the dry season in full swing, we couldn’t think of a better reason to celebrate! Out interlocking tile system helps prevent the chance […]

Also posted in Antistatic flooring, Interlocking ESD flooring, vinyl esd flooring | | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

What to Know About ESD Flooring

Before you visited StaticStop™ and started to read more about our ESD floor tiles, you probably were wondering what considerations you should have about the more standard ESD flooring options out there. There are plenty of challenges that can come with permanent ESD flooring, and we think you should always be aware of them as […]

Also posted in EOS flooring, ESD flooring, Interlocking ESD flooring, Static control flooring, staticstop esd flooring | | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Why EpoxyStyle ESD™ Epoxy Might Be Right for You

At StaticStop, we talk constantly about our interlocking, conductive floors because they are often great solutions for industries that need new flooring options that fit all of their needs quickly and affordably without stopping regular business. We’re proud to be the only interlocking ESD flooring company with no disclaimers for problem subfloors, but we also […]

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Data Centers and ESD Flooring

It’s no secret that data centers and network offices are often searching for the best ESD-rated flooring options around, but what sets StaticStop apart from our competitors? To begin, our patented interlocking tile system is one-of-a-kind. There are many benefits of using our floors in your business space, and we can think of three reasons […]

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Tips for Installing Our Interlocking Tiles

So, you’ve finally invested in our anti-static floor tiles. StaticStop is excited to help you improve your business with our exceptional flooring! If you chose to complete your own installation, we have full instructions for your specific needs to ensure a proper install. That being said, we know sometimes cutting corners might seem like the […]

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How Moisture Impacts ESD Flooring

No matter if you are working in a residential or commercial space, it is common for these structures’ bottom floors to be constructed with poured concrete. Though concrete is known to be extremely durable, it is also porous and conducts the temperature and moisture of the ground on which it is sitting. This can cause […]

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Why New OSHA Ruling Doesn’t Impact StaticStop

In the efforts to protect employees from kidney disease, lung cancer, silicosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to limit their contact to this type of dust. By reducing their permissible exposure limit to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air […]

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ESD Flooring FAQs

It’s no surprise that as a leading ESD tile flooring manufacturer we receive lots of questions about ESD flooring in general. For a nonprofessional, there are many elements of this flooring that might have you concerned about the investment. SelecTech wants you to worry less about what you will be getting when you buy our […]

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